Friday, December 27, 2019

The Sunni Shia Conflict Essay - 1341 Words

Sunni Shia Conflict Syria is currently all over the news regarding what many have to come to see as a civil war. A term like civil war needs to identify the players and the reasons for the war. In this case the players are being identified as pro government or antigovernment with a Sunni or Shia overtone. Sunni and Shia are the two major sects of Islam and both have a historical based conflict going back to the death of the Prophet Muhammad and how Muslims should be governed. This conflict has caused tensions and violence to flare up throughout Islamic history. This conflict has carried into modern times and has becoming a rallying point for Muslim people calling for change with their government and across the Middle Eastern region. The†¦show more content†¦Ali’s son Husayn was sought out and asked to lead a revolt against the Uyammad’s. When Husayn set out on his journey to overthrow Yazid, the current caliph, his â€Å"supporters† failed to join his ba nd. Husayn and 72 of his followers were killed on the plains of Karbala, Iraq. Thus the Shi’at Ali (Party of Ali) or Shia sect of Islam was born (Egger 2004). The Sunni sect would continue to support what they saw as the traditional path of Islam. From this initial split other divisions and changes occurred within the religious practices and laws of Islam. While both share a belief in the Qur’an and the sunna (sayings or actions) of the Prophet Muhammad there are religious and legal differences. Imams are by the Shia definition the divinely guided ones but the Sunni defines Imaans as saints (Diffen n.d.). The Shia declared Ali and his descendants Imams with a special connection to the will of God with religious and legal authorities. The number of Imams and who were truly the divinely guided Imams would split Shias. There arose many branches but it came down to three main ones the Twelvers, the Seveners, and Zayids (Goldschmidt Jr. 2013). The Imams were mystical bein gs and the Twelvers believe that the 12th Imam disappeared and will one day return to set thing right for Muslims. Within the Sunni sect there are four branches of Islamic Law:Show MoreRelatedThe Conflict Between Shias And Sunni959 Words   |  4 Pagesdivided into two groups, Shia, Sunni and their view of the religion Islam. The blood shadings between Shia and Sunni in the history of Islamic interfaith differences have affected future generations, since the death of Prophet Muhammad in A.D. 632, which have affected educational and social opportunity for future generations. So, dose believing in will of G-d bring peace or death, hate or hormone? What is the mission of Islamic groups who call themselves Sunnis and Shias, to bring peace to the worldRead MoreSunni Shia Conflict Essay857 Words   |  4 PagesSaudi Arabia and Iran Saudi Arabia considers itself to be the Protector of Islam as they contain Mecca and Medina as well as oversee the Hajj. 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Since the earliest days of Islam in the 7th century when the schism first tore the young Muslim community apart, the two sects have been warring incessantly. Untold thousands have been killed over the years, and this internecine war continues to devastate communities and nations. I am not qualified to go into the rights and wrongs of this old conflict. HoweverRead MoreIn Pakistan, Which Aspires To Be A Islamic State, Sectarian1475 Words   |  6 PagesIn Pakistan, which aspires to be a Islamic state , sectarian conflict is part of, and interacts with, broader issues concerning the place of Islam in public life. There are sectarian identities which diversify each group and say who belongs to what sect , for example the believing of attending a mosque or madarasa. Islamization, or the introduction of Islamic norms and institutions through government policy or decree, is another factor which has often provoked and defined sectarian controversiesRead MoreSunni-Shiite Conflict1583 Words   |  7 PagesThe Sunni and Shiite branches of Islam have been feuding for hundreds of years dating back to the beginning of the Islamic religion. The deity or god of the Sunnis is Allah. The Sunni branch of Islam is the larger of the two branches with over 80% of the Muslim population. The Sunni are the majority in most of the countries that have Islamic followers. There are a few different translations of what Sunna stands for, one of which is â€Å"Habitual Practice.† The differences between the two branches can

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Essay on Analysis of Edgar Allen Poe in The Masque of the...

Edgar Allen Poe’s, â€Å"The Masque of the Red Death†, is about a man named Prince Prospero and his attempts to avoid a dangerous plague. The plague is known as the Red Death. He plans to avoid the plague by hiding out in his abbey, along with other revelers during a masquerade ball in the seven rooms in the abbey. Through the locked gates, the mysterious figure finds its way into the party and causes death to all of the masqueraders. This story is often analyzed as an allegory about the inevitability of death. Poe has one of the most unique writing styles of all authors. His best known fiction works are Gothic, a category in which â€Å"The Masque of the Red Death† falls under. He establishes recurring themes, physical signs and appearances,†¦show more content†¦This is a large sentence that shows just how much detail Poe puts into his work. He uses a lot of descriptive words, even if the sentence or phrase is short. It is clear to see that one adjectiv e is not enough to describe just how the pendulum swing is. Going back to how Poe’s best writings are those of the Gothic writing style, he introduces and holds a somber tone throughout this whole story. From the beginning to the end, and even in the title, the tone is grave. He never quite gives the reader a chance to get away from the sense that a threat is on the brink. â€Å"The Red Death had long devastated the country. No pestilence has ever been so fatal, or so hideous. Blood was its Avatar and its seal – the redness and the horror of blood† (337). It’s like the whole story was written to be read aloud by a slow speaking man with a deep voice. The title even gives a sense of somber, coldness, and death. When one thinks about the name, it could be inferred that the story is about a mask that when put on, all you see is red and it ultimately leads to death. Poe may haveShow MoreRelatedAvoiding Reality: â€Å"The Masque of the Red Death† Analysis858 Words   |  4 PagesBrandon DeLeon McCloud English 2H November 4, 2013 Avoiding Reality: â€Å"The Masque of the Red Death† Analysis Throughout the gothic horror short story, â€Å"The Masque of the Red Death†, Edgar Allan Poe illustrates the struggle of an egotistical prince who refuses to face the inevitable reality of death. Through the downfall of the protagonist, Poe establishes the idea that the inability to face reality often leads to the destruction of the mind. The downfall of the Prince is emphasized by Poe’sRead More The Understated Narrator of The Masque of the Red Death Essay2052 Words   |  9 PagesThe Understated Narrator of The Masque of the Red Death      Ã‚  Ã‚   While the narrator of Edgar Allan Poes The Masque of the Red Death never appears in a scene, he is always on the scene. He reveals himself overtly only three times, and even then only as one who tells:    But first let me tell of the rooms in which [the masquerade] was held. (485)    And the music ceased, as I have told . . . (488)    In an assembly of phantasms such as I have painted . . . Read More Juxtaposing the Most Similar Contradiction in Edgar Allan Poes Work2077 Words   |  9 PagesThroughout all of Edgar Allan Poes works are common ideas that oppose each such as madness versus sanity, reality versus the imagined reality and life versus death. Usually these sentiments are taken as contrasting ideas with little similarities to each other, like black and white. However, many of these motifs are situated in the grey category. Poe uses the communal thought pathway to highlight its antithesis; the pathway of grey. 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How ironic it is to experience more life in our fascination with death. br brEdgar Allen Poe was a master of his craft, gifted with the talent of introducing each reader to his or her own subconscious fears. As the first writer to initiate horror, death and mystery into literature and poetry, he is blessed- or perhaps cursed- with an imagination that set higher standards in the field of writing. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Multinational Cooperation Business Organization

Question: Discuss about the Multinational Cooperation Business Organization. Answer: Introduction The international business consists of the commercial transactions which take place between multiple regions beyond their geographical boundaries (Dunning, 2012). These kinds of businesses include the cross border transactions made for the purpose of gaining business profit. The international business decisions are one of the most crucial tasks of cross cultural organizations. The quality of the decision making activity would determine the success of the firm. There are instances when the cross cultural business undergo through a lot of challenges. The globalization has impacted the organizations significantly. This report is based on the interview with the business owner of Conbridge Advisory Group. The interview was performed at his office on 5 December. This report would also highlight two most important components of international business such as international business decisions and the international business challenges. Conbridge is a Turkish firm which started its business operations 12 years ago (, 2016). The organization engages in energy trading. It supplies electricity as well as gas in Turkey and the adjoining areas of Greece, Bulgaria, Russia, Azerbaijan and Georgia (, 2016). The company has strong reputation in the fields of Chemicals and Petrochemicals, Energy and Utilities, Tourism, Defense, Telecommunications and others (, 2016). The company believes in innovative, entrepreneurial and output driven consulting approach. The Executive The interview was conducted with the Chief Executive Officer of the multinational organization. He has 22 years of experience in international business and his major job roles were involved in the entrepreneurial level and executive level. His job characteristics are concerned with the commodity trading based on an international level. His corporate background involves a high school degree and training in the role of industrial salesman. He has corporate experiences in the different corporate positions. The interview gave some important insights regarding the international business scenario in the organization. The business owner shared that he took crucial international business decisions especially during the initial phases of his career. The international strategies concern with the diffusion and adaptation of the companys knowledge as well as expertise in the foreign markets (Verbeke, 2013). He has considered the decisions based on the national differences in the economic, political and the legal systems. He also takes an active role in managing the cross-border collaboration. It is important to have clear channels of communication between the employees located in diverse geographic locations (Verbeke, 2013). The manager strives to create cross cultural literacy and must formulate strategies that protect against ethnocentrism. International Business Decision The CEO shared that he made his business decisions based on his own decisions as well as leadership. He shared his experience on a particular international business decision. He wanted to venture in the international market so that he can avail more market opportunities. The international business expansion has been done by venturing into new market. The business expansion was done in Turkey and the adjoining areas. He was aware of the free trade agreements between the host countries and the foreign locations. The business decisions were made as per the business decisions. The components of the global expansion objectives include flexibility, efficiency and learning. The business decision also comprised of the mode of entry in foreign locations. The mode of entry selected by the manager was joint venture. It involves the collaboration with the prosperous business which already exists in host country (Beamish, 2013). The decisions would also base on the differences in the culture of t he individual nations. The values, norms and the beliefs of the host country should be taken into consideration while designing the international business expansion plan (Beamish, 2013). The various determinants include religion, education, politics, language and social structure. The manager also determines the patterns of FDI so that he can incorporate them in the business decisions (Driffield, Jones Crotty, 2013). The growth of FDI should be analyzed along with the globalization of the world economy. The foreign domestic investment should also determine the suitability of a particular location for the purpose of doing business (Beamish, 2013). It is important to assess the profitability of the foreign location by understanding their economic estimates. The international business decision making should be done in all the matters concerning the business expansion or the existing business operation (Gabrielsson Gabrielsson, 2013). It should be done in the crucial matters concerning the international businesses. The decision making should be done by following the below steps- Define the business issue Analysis of the problem Searching for alternatives Selection of the best alternative Implementation of the best alternative Monitoring and evaluation The decision making activity should take into account all the concerned stakeholders in who are directly or indirectly involved with the international business project (Papadopoulos Heslop, 2014). The decision maker should focus on fostering worldwide innovation as well as learning. The transnational innovation should be taken into consideration while venturing into new market area (Walshok, Shapiro Owens, 2014). There are two emerging transnational thoughts such as locally leverage as well as global linkages. The local leverage would comprise of the unique capabilities of the different subsidiaries (Papadopoulos Heslop, 2014). The global linkage comprises of the joint collaboration of the capabilities and the resources. International Business Crisis The international business is always associated with the number of challenges. The CEO of the company shared that the primary challenge was the cross cultural differences. There are instances when it is difficult or adapt to the local countrys culture. The cross cultural literacy, which refers to the understanding of the cultures of the host countries are difficult to achieve at times (Tselmann et al., 2016). The lack of cultural understanding leads to lack of understanding the business costs associated with the foreign country. The inability to gauge the cost implications would lead to inaccurate business plans. The culture also plays a major role in the organizational behavior and it is an important factor for understanding the behavioral aspects of the local employees (Tselmann et al., 2016). There can be difficulty in creating good inter relationships with the people, uncertain living, issues with motivational orientation and attitudes towards the time factor. There are also issues with the foreign exchange rate shock while venturing into a foreign location (Ger, Mercan Peker, 2013). The manager needs to take into account the exchange rate systems prevalent in the respective countries. However, there are instances when they are unable to do so. This also indicates the capability of the country to absorb the economic fluctuations (Ger, Mercan Peker, 2013). The managers are sometimes unable to gauge the ability of the country to cope up with the global financial crisis. The tax rate of one country may not be same with that of the other countries. The corporate tax rate of Georgia is 15% while the tax rate of Turkey is 20% (Alvaredo et al., 2013). It is 20% in Azerbaijan while the corporate tax of India is 30%. Hence, it is important for the international business managers to take these things into account for successful business venture. There are instances when the company may start their business operations in a country which is governed by high tax rates along with high GST rate (Alvaredo et al., 2013). It is important to take into account the additional tax jurisdictions, government regulations, multinational tax management and others. There are instances when the international business manager does not take into account the challenges of the global financial crisis and thee steps to overcome them. This affects the smooth functioning as well as the profitability o the new business in new geographic locations. The cross cultural management may also face the issues involved in the enforcement of the intellectual property rights. The IPR is concerned with the protection of the works of the innovators as well as original content creators (Acemoglu Akcigit, 2012). There are various issues that may arise such as copying or misappropriation of the original works by unauthorized parties. There may be issues with the piracy and counterfeiting (Acemoglu Akcigit, 2012). The offenders are gaining illegal access to the consumer goods and launch them in the market with duplicate names. In this age of technological advancements, the counterfeiters are finding it easy to make fake copies of the original products. This creates utter chaos among the customers who might think the duplicate products as the real items (Acemoglu Akcigit, 2012). This may damage the brand reputation of the company and this have a damaging effect on the goodwill of the company. Hence, it is important for the managers to concen trate on enforcing the intellectual property rights. Learning from case study project The case study project helped in clear understanding of the concepts related to the international business. The decision making in the international business is one of the important components for surviving in this competitive world. The decision making comprises of several factors that are needed to be considered while engaging in crucial decision making for the organization. The real interview with the senior management of an organization gives crucial authentic information regarding the decision making in the international business. This report also helped to understand the challenges faced by the international organizations. The real problems of the top level executives helped to understand the actual difficulties faced by the managers while engaging in international trade. Conclusion The international business is mainly concerned with profit making motives. The globalization has opened the doors for business to cross geographical boundaries for greater business prospects. The decision making is a major activity for the international firms in which there is the involvement of a large number of decisions for the smooth operations of the firm. The interview was conducted with the CEO of Conbridge Advisory Group. The report has defined the background of the company along with the background of the business owner. The report has also mentioned the major issues that are being discussed in international business. Important concepts are being discussed such as cross border collaboration, channels of communication, decision making process and the transnational innovation. The report also focuses on the international business crisis which is prevalent in the organizations. The major issues discussed are the cross cultural differences, foreign exchange rate shock, diverse t ax rate and the intellectual property rights. This report would broaden the understanding of the international business decision making and the international business crisis. The practical understanding of the international business is done through the help of real time interview with the senior management. References Acemoglu, D., Akcigit, U. (2012). Intellectual property rights policy, competition and innovation.Journal of the European Economic Association,10(1), 1-42. Alvaredo, F., Atkinson, A. B., Piketty, T., Saez, E. (2013). The top 1 percent in international and historical perspective.The Journal of Economic Perspectives,27(3), 3-20. Beamish, P. (2013).Multinational Joint Ventures in Developing Countries (RLE International Business). Routledge. CONBRIDGE ADVISORY GROUP. (2016) Retrieved 17 December 2016, from Driffield, N., Jones, C., Crotty, J. (2013). International business research and risky investments, an analysis of FDI in conflict zones.International Business Review,22(1), 140-155. Dunning, J. H. (2012).International Production and the Multinational Enterprise (RLE International Business). Routledge. Gabrielsson, P., Gabrielsson, M. (2013). A dynamic model of growth phases and survival in international business-to-business new ventures: the moderating effect of decision-making logic.Industrial Marketing Management,42(8), 1357-1373. Ger, I., Mercan, M., Peker, O. (2013). The Effects of Exchange Rate Changes on The External Trade Balance.Ekonomista, (2), 247-258. Papadopoulos, N., Heslop, L. A. (2014).Product-country images: Impact and role in international marketing. Routledge. Tselmann, H., Buzdugan, S., Cao, Q., Freund, D., Golesorkhi, S. (2016). Introduction: Impact of International Business: Challenges and Solutions for Policy and Practice. InImpact of International Business(pp. 1-8). Palgrave Macmillan UK. Verbeke, A. (2013).International business strategy. Cambridge University Press. Walshok, M. L., Shapiro, J. D., Owens, N. (2014). Transnational innovation networks arent all created equal: Towards a classification system.The Journal of Technology Transfer,39(3), 345-357.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Summary Response Paper Essay Example

Summary Response Paper Essay Media plays a big role in how our society is shaped today as most of the information that people get are from the things seen and heard from the news, television, music and other media forms. However, some of these bits of information we get from different forms of media have the potential of contributing harm to the society. Two essays discuss these adverse effects of media to our society. The essay â€Å"Calling the C-Word the C-Word† by James Poniewozik discusses how a State Department analyst treats the information reported in the news as something that would make United States more vulnerable to its attackers. Poniewozik criticizes how Dennis Pluchinsky reacts on US media’s way of reporting about terror vulnerabilities since the September 11 attack. He mentions in his essay that Pluchinsky believes that journalists endangers the country more by reporting certain vulnerabilities to terrorists or the mistakes these terrorists made in the past. However, Poniewozik thi nks of it differently in a way that these open sources and reports from journalists can actually help the country be a little less vulnerable to attacks. He argues that these pieces of information are also available to the government and should be a tool for them to act and implement security measures for the protection of everybody. The second essay, â€Å"The Issue Isn’t Sex, It’s Violence† by Caryl Rivers, discusses how music in this genre somehow have an effect to the increasing cases of violence against women. She states that there is nothing wrong with rock music today. She even thinks that most of them are funky, sexy and even witty. However, there are just really some songs that are just not so â€Å"friendly† to women. She even mentioned one theme of an AC/DC ballad that allegedly had inspired a Californian killer who was suspect to a series of murders in the state. Rivers argues that teenagers now believe what they hear in the radio and music channels. It can be a disturbing fact because of the worldy lyrics some of the rock songs have yet they are still being aired. Rivers dislikes the fact that people do not do anything with it. When it comes to the issue of violence against women, even when some rock song clearly implicates the topic in its lyrics, people just ignore it an d remain silent. She wants to put an end to the silence. Rivers suggests keeping the issue alive, making women speak against it, have disc jocks refuse playing of songs which have lyrics that are against women’s rights, and for men to also be involved in the issue. We will write a custom essay sample on Summary Response Paper specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Summary Response Paper specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Summary Response Paper specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The two essays show how different forms of media shape up our society today. I, for one, believe in what these authors mentioned in their works. I somehow believe that giving out information about some vulnerability to terrorists can protect us in a way. Whenever media tells us that malls are vulnerable to attacks, for example, mall security gets more stringent in conducting inspections of mall goers. Security personnel have also become more visible. Thus, with the information that media provided us, safety of everyone can be assured. Music, on the other hand, can definitely affect one’s moods. Though I can say that I do not easily get so into the words of the songs, there are some who are just naà ¯ve enough to believe them and some, live by them. It is true that a killer could have been inspired by the lyrics of a particular rock song because there are just some people like that. And whether we like it or not, that is how media that we deal with everyday affects our thought s and actions. Both authors wrote such insightful essays. Poniewozik supported his arguments by criticizing an article written by a State Department analyst, while Rivers, being a professor of a few lady students who were murdered, cited different examples of music lyrics that could be a cause of the issue she raised. Poniewozik’s work evolved more on his evaluation of the Sept. 11 terrorist attack which he connects to Pluchinsky’s (the analyst) analysis of the media. His tone is conversational, involving himself and his readers in his writing. I personally like his choice of words when describing things, such as â€Å"knee-jerk† and â€Å"scenario-spinning,† which are not so ordinary yet not highfaluting either. Caryl Rivers, on the other hand, wrote her article in a non-conventional manner having it in bulleted form. In her work, she shared her own thoughts about violence against women using the first person point of view. Hers is also a conversational one and can rela te to any type of reader because of her use of more common words. Her article cited examples of music to establish her stand on this type of media being one cause of violence against women. Both of them used words appropriate to the thoughts that they want to share and to their audience, not too aggressive or harsh, yet not too soft either. Their articles clearly show their stand on the issue that they are talking about. Poniewozik shared his thoughts about the media with his counter arguments of another person’s ideas, while Rivers did hers by basing her assumptions on alleged reports. Both made sense and I think no one is more credible than the other.